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THE Compleat Geographer: OR, THE Chorography and Topography Of all the known Parts of the EARTH (To which is premis'd an Introduction to Geography, And a Natural History of the Earth and the Elements ; CONTAINING A True and Perfect Account of I. The Situation, Bounds and Extent, Climate, Soil, Productions, History, Trade, Manufactures: The Religion, Manners and Customs of the People; with the Revolutions, Conquests, and other Changes Of all the Countries on the Earth. II. The several Provinces that every Kingdom or State is Divided into. III. The Principal Cities and most Considerable Towns in the World, the Magnitude, Principal Buildings, Antiquity, Present State, Trade, History, &c. As also the Situation, with the Distance and Bearing from other Towns: Together with all necessary Pieces of Natural History ; The Whole Containing The Substance of at least an Hundred and Fifty Books of Modern Travels, faithfully Abstracted and Digested into Local Order; WHEREBY The Present State of the most Remote Countries is truly shewn, and the Obsolete and Fabulous Accounts of Former Writers wholly Expung'd ; Wherein the Descriptions of Asia, Africa and America are Compos'd a-new from the Relations of Travellers of the Best Repute, especially such as have appear'd within Thirty or Forty Years Past past.)
J. Knapton : R. Knaplock : J. Wyat [u.a.]
zahlr. Kt
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