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Gefundene Objekte: 1
Jahr: 1840
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To His Excellency Baron Alexander Humboldt, Member Of The Academies Of Berlin, London, Paris, Petersburgh, Stockholm, Amsterdam, Calcutta &c. Who First fixed the true Longitude of the West Coast of South America by observing at Callao de Lima the Transit of Mercury, November the 9th 1802; As A Testimony of high Respect for His persevering and laborious Researches, which have so eminently contributed to the progress of the Natural Sciences, and especially of both astronomical and physical Geography, This Chart Of Part Of The Coast Of Peru, Between the Parallels of 7" 35' and 14" South Latitude, Showing the Thermometrical Navigation of the illustrious Traveller from Callao towards Guayaquil, and various Passages of the Ships Princess Louisa, King Frederik William IIId., Prince Royal of Prussia and Elisabeth Louisa, Of The Royal Prussian Mercantile Navy, to, along and from these Shores, Is Inscribed with profound Consideration and Esteem